
Say Hello to a Smarter Mailroom

Paperbox Mailroom elevates traditional mailroom operations for insurance back-offices by automating manual tasks connected to processing incoming communications at scale. Our AI-powered solution provides dual dynamics of non-stop processing and human oversight, giving a seamless blend of hands-off automation and hands-on control.

Inside Paperbox

Look inside the core of Paperbox’s Mailroom’s Architecture: a suite of five transformative features that convert your traditional mailroom into an AI-powered hub of productivity, specifically engineered for the nuanced needs of the insurance industry.

Easy Input Sync

  • Multiple Input Sources, from Email Clients to Scanner Systems

    Paperbox bridges your central inboxes and internal systems without the need for an end-to-end overhaul.

  • Streamlined Data Capture

    Capture crucial data seamlessly from every communication, ensuring essential information is ready for action—no detail overlooked.

  • AI Power at Work

  • Document Linking

    Ensure every document - from claim reports to policy applications - is methodically linked to its relevant case or customer profile within your internal systems.

  • Digitization & OCR

    With Paperbox Digitizer, transform complex documents into actionable digital data, capturing every detail with the highest accuracy, from (handwritten notes)* on claim forms to the fine print on policy contracts.

  • Smart Classification

    Classify documents with precision, ensuring that each piece of correspondence, whether a claims affidavit or a policy amendment, is systematically categorized for seamless retrieval.

  • Configurable Action Paths

  • Task Automation

    Convert critical information into tasks that integrate seamlessly with your insurance management systems, freeing your team to focus on customer engagement and decision-making.

  • Document Splitting

    Recognize and separate multi-page attachments or packets within a single file, ensuring that each unique document (eg. claim form, policy document, or additional supporting evidence) is individually processed and appropriately routed.

  • Robust Output and Integration

  • Seamless Database Integration

    Organize processed data and store in your central databases or insurance management systems, ensuring quick access and retrieval.

  • Paperbox Search & Lookup

    Access and retrieve essential data synchronized with your existing databases.

  • Human-in-Control (When Needed)

  • Human-in-Control

    The tool for the human-in-control, it is the command center for insights, configuration, and cases requiring manual oversight.

  • Onboarding with a human touch

    Utilized during critical onboarding processes, for complex classifications, or when unique system integrations are needed.

  • Protection and Privacy at it's core

  • In-House Data Protection Officer

    Expect the strictest compliance and adherence to GDPR regulations, as well as best practices in data security and privacy.

  • ISO/IEC Certification

    Partner with a company that ensures the highest level of data protection, as guaranteed by our ISO/IEC certification. Our approach integrates end-to-end encryption and the dependable infrastructure of Google Cloud hosting, providing a secure and reliable environment for your data.

  • Let Paperbox streamline your Mail-Handling!

    Join 30+ Insurance Companies that are already using the Paperbox Smart Mailroom.